Preparations for China-2017

Departure day is getting closer. Flights and train tickets are booked and the taxi has been ordered for the trip to the station. It’s starting to feel real. 

The journey begins at 07:15 on Saturday 29th July with the 11 hour flight direct from Manchester to Beijing leaving at 12:15. We’ve not flown on Hainan Airlines before and hadn’t even heard of them 6 months ago. Most people seem to like the airline so hopefully we will have good flights.

The itinerary this year includes:

  • Nanning
  • Laibin
  • Shiling
  • Liangshui
  • Various places along the South China Sea coast
  • Lunch in Vietnam
  • BBQ by the beach for my birthday
  • Fishing on the South China Sea
  • Jinxiu
  • Rongshui

There may be other places added along the way too, but the full itinerary is in the hands of Anan’s relatives and friends so we will find out as it happens!

I hope that I can still update this blog from within China, but if the Great Firewall blocks me I might have to do a lot of catching up when I get home. I’ll try to do regular updates from Saturday morning when the fun starts.

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