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How to make BBQ chicken – Country style

It’s birthday BBQ time. We’re out by a big lake in the countryside with the Chinese family. We’re making BBQ chicken. The first step is to make a hole in the ground… You wrap the chicken in foil and put it in the hole then cover it with wood and set fire to it (the wood, not the chicken!). After …

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Small meal to try to get rid of jet lag

This is a heavy way to start the holiday. A big meal after about 3 hours sleep in the last two days. Maotai on my first night might help me to sleep though! This is also my first real attempt to post to my blog and Facebook at the same time. Wish me luck!

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We’re on the way (2018)

Currently at 9000m and 600mph (sorry about the mixed units!) on Cathay Pacific CX216 from Manchester to Hong Kong. Very smooth take off and flight so far. Only another 10h43m to go to Hong Kong. WiFi all the way too and only $20 so not too bad. I hope it’s not cloudy on the flight…it would be great to see …

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China 2018 is happening

Football is coming home and I’m going to China. The flights are booked. Got my visa on Friday. Started making my packing list yesterday. No specific plans of where we will go yet. Flying to Nanning via Hong Kong then getting to Laibin somehow. After that the rest is unplanned.